IBM 5150 motherboard (64k-256k) and IBM floppy drive (Tandon TM100-2A) repair


My repair video for my IBM 5150 motherboard (64k-256k) model and IBM 5.25″ full height floppy drive (Tandon TM100-2A). As usual, I apologize to everyone for my terrible video editing skills. Audio is all over the place on this one, and at one point the video goes vertical. ????

Zoyi ZT-MD1 and FNISRI LCR-ST1 LCR meter side-by-side comparison


Very quick comparison of these two LCR testers. I couldn’t find a side-by-side comparison on these, so I recoreded this crap, crapy video. ?

HP 95LX reassembly video


This video shows how to reassemble an HP 95LX pocket computer from 1991. The video provides detailed instructions for returning your 95LX from parts to a working unit.

Atari 400 repair and composite video mod


I recorded a set of videos recently documenting some troubleshooting of an ATARI 400 system, and the conversion from RF to composite video. There was so little info out there about this mod that I thought even my crummy video would help. 

The embedded video above is the 4th and final part that shows the composite conversion. Here are links to the other parts and some docs and forum posts I found along the way… 

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Atari 400/800 Service Manual:…

S-Video to Composite info:…

Atari 400 video mod info:……

The TurtleCam returns…

I picked up a cheap Raspberry Pi 2 model B a while back and decided to use it to resurrect the TurtleCam. I added on the old version Raspberry Pi 5MP camera and got a BME280 ic2 temperature / pressure / humidity sensor from AdaFruit, mixed in a little Python and WeeWx magic and boom… Instant webcam / weather station. 🙂

I’ll eventually update this post with build details but in the meantime you can check out the live feed from the TurtleCam by clicking on the image below:

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