Astroturtle Astrophotography

Home > SBIG ST-8300m
M33 Triangulum Galaxy
Thank you everyone for the faves and wonderful comments!

A work in progress on M33. I need to capture more color data, but the weather is blocking me pretty hard. 

Taken from a Bortle 5 suburban back yard. Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4 at f/5. SBIG ST-8300M at 1x1 binning, with the FW5-8300 5 position filter wheel. IDAS LPS-D3 36mm unmounted filter for luminance and Astronomik Deep-Sky 36mm unmounted RGB filters. Losmady G11 Gemini 2, guided with a piggybacked AstroTech 65EDQ and an Orion StarShoot autoguider. Software included PHD2 for guiding, Sequence Generator Pro for acquisition, and Siril for image processing. 

100 x 600s luminance integrations (IDAS LPS-D3)
15 x 600s each red, green and blue filters

Just over 19 hours total exposure time so far...

M33 Triangulum Galaxy

Thank you everyone for the faves and wonderful comments!

A work in progress on M33. I need to capture more color data, but the weather is blocking me pretty hard.

Taken from a Bortle 5 suburban back yard. Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4 at f/5. SBIG ST-8300M at 1x1 binning, with the FW5-8300 5 position filter wheel. IDAS LPS-D3 36mm unmounted filter for luminance and Astronomik Deep-Sky 36mm unmounted RGB filters. Losmady G11 Gemini 2, guided with a piggybacked AstroTech 65EDQ and an Orion StarShoot autoguider. Software included PHD2 for guiding, Sequence Generator Pro for acquisition, and Siril for image processing.

100 x 600s luminance integrations (IDAS LPS-D3)
15 x 600s each red, green and blue filters

Just over 19 hours total exposure time so far...

_BEST_m31_a7r_5min_curves_edit1.jpg m33_lrgb_HDR_old.jpg m33_lrgb_new.jpg 1_m31_pixinsight_LRGB_2024_10_07.jpg 7_m31_LRGB_color__completed_2024_09_15.jpg
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