Astroturtle Astrophotography

Home > Toucam Pro
Camera: Toucam Pro
Scope: C9.25 w/ NGF-s on GM8
Barlow: 2.5x Meade
Frames: Best 200 of 2500 @ 10 FPS

The color planes were adjusted to reduce color diffraction caused by the atmosphere.
Keywords: Venus


Camera: Toucam Pro
Scope: C9.25 w/ NGF-s on GM8
Barlow: 2.5x Meade
Frames: Best 200 of 2500 @ 10 FPS

The color planes were adjusted to reduce color diffraction caused by the atmosphere.

Autosave_5min_dark_edit_final.jpg mdl_core_calibrated_edited.jpg venus_2005-11-25_0003.jpg M42_3.jpg CCDCap_0004.jpg
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