Astroturtle Astrophotography

Home > CCD CookBook CB245
A stack of 18 raw images from my CB245 hooked up to a 8"LX 50 through the Meade series 4000 2x barlow. I doubled the size by resampleing using the 'spline' method and applied a heavy unsharp mask.
Keywords: Jupiter


A stack of 18 raw images from my CB245 hooked up to a 8"LX 50 through the Meade series 4000 2x barlow. I doubled the size by resampleing using the 'spline' method and applied a heavy unsharp mask.

img_cb245_28mm_m45_201200.jpg M42_3.jpg img_cb245_jupgoodbig_141000.jpg img_mx7c_m27_cyml_100802.jpg saturn_2006-01-05.jpg
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