Astroturtle Astrophotography

Home > StarlightXpress MX7C/716
The Cone Nebula (NGC2264)
Astro-Tech 65EDQ 65mm f/6.5 telescope, Starlight Xpress MX-716 CCD camera, Astronomik H-Alpha and OIII filters, Losmandy G11 mount. Guided using an Orion StarShoot autoguider attached to a 9x50 finderscope and PHD software.

16 x 10 minute integrations for H-Alpha, 10 x 20 minute integrations for OIII, 10 x 10 minute darks, 10 x 1/10th second bias frames.

Color image synthesized using the clipping layer mask tutorial at the following link:

The Cone Nebula (NGC2264)

Astro-Tech 65EDQ 65mm f/6.5 telescope, Starlight Xpress MX-716 CCD camera, Astronomik H-Alpha and OIII filters, Losmandy G11 mount. Guided using an Orion StarShoot autoguider attached to a 9x50 finderscope and PHD software.

16 x 10 minute integrations for H-Alpha, 10 x 20 minute integrations for OIII, 10 x 10 minute darks, 10 x 1/10th second bias frames.

Color image synthesized using the clipping layer mask tutorial at the following link:

img_mx7_m57_27-07-02.jpg hh_dss_mx716_h-apha_18x10min_10dark_10bias.jpg mx716_at65edq_ngc2264_ha_oiii_.jpg m27_dss_LRGB_final.jpg hh_ha_oii_cropped.jpg
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