Astroturtle Astrophotography

Home > Logitech VC
Well since my CB245 is down with a busted TEC and the blasted planets are there just begging to have their pictures taken I decided to try applying some of the processing tricks I've learned recently to pictures taken with the 'ol Logitech VC and boy, oh boy have the results been impressive! Jupiter here is a stack of 120 aligned, stacked and unshap masked with AstroStack. It was taken with the VC hooked up to my Meade 2x barlow.

Keywords: Jupiter


Well since my CB245 is down with a busted TEC and the blasted planets are there just begging to have their pictures taken I decided to try applying some of the processing tricks I've learned recently to pictures taken with the 'ol Logitech VC and boy, oh boy have the results been impressive! Jupiter here is a stack of 120 aligned, stacked and unshap masked with AstroStack. It was taken with the VC hooked up to my Meade 2x barlow.

img_wc_jupsmall_41100.jpg img_wc_sat_311000.jpg img_wc_jup_311000~0.jpg img_wc_jupbig_41100.jpg img_wc_trapezium_28-12-99.jpg
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