Astroturtle Astrophotography

Home > SBIG ST-8300m
M81 and M82
SBIG ST-8300m camera and FW5 filter wheel, Astro-Tech AT65EDQ 65mm f/6.5 refractor, Astronomik 36mm LRGB filters, Losmandy G11 Gemini-2 mount.

M81 and M82

SBIG ST-8300m camera and FW5 filter wheel, Astro-Tech AT65EDQ 65mm f/6.5 refractor, Astronomik 36mm LRGB filters, Losmandy G11 Gemini-2 mount.

mars9_colorbalanced.jpg mars4_colorbalanced.jpg m81_Group3-LRGB_ps.jpg mars9.jpg img_moon_eclipse14.jpg
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